星期日, 四月 29, 2007



Peter Mark Roget is the English physician who is now famous for his dictionary of synonyms, the Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. During his career he was a doctor in Manchester, a professor of physiology at the Royal Institution, and the secretary of the Royal Society. He retired in 1848 and devoted himself to his dictionary of synonyms, based on notes he'd been compiling since early in his career. In 1852 he published his thesaurus, now commonly called Roget's Thesaurus, which has been in print ever since.

Roget had wide interests and an inquisitive mind. His accomplishments include the invention of a slide rule he called a "log-log," used for calculating number roots and squares. He is also sometimes credited with a role in the history of cinema, thanks to a paper he presented in 1824 titled "Explanation of an Optical Deception in the Appearance of the Spokes of a Wheel Seen Through Vertical Apertures." In it he reported his observations of an optical illusion he had witnessed as he saw moving carriage wheels through vertical blinds. Although he apparently didn't pursue this line of inquiry, others have credited him with first noting the phenomenon called "persistence of vision" -- in which still photographs seen in rapid succession give the illusion of movement -- which in turn led to the cinema.

星期二, 四月 24, 2007

Say goodby!

星期一, 四月 23, 2007



自己开玩笑 的机会。布什说,在维吉尼亚理工大学枪杀惨案之后不久,他决定对自己的讲演采 取更加审慎的方式。总统然后提到,一个国家能够对自己的领导人进行嘲讽有利于 民主。

这一晚上大部分的笑声来自电视主持人大卫.莱特曼列举的布什总统十大笑料的录像 带播放。加拿大喜剧演艺和模仿大师瑞克.里特为这次有近三千人参加的晚餐做了表 演。参加这次活动的有内阁部长、外交界贵宾以及好莱坞名人。

星期五, 四月 20, 2007

Rebirth now

I will close down my baidu blog,and restart this blog.

Too many youth visit baidu blog,but dislike them do,so the best sloution is to shut down and restart here.